The Sun in our birth charts is the most widely known sign that people know, even those who know nothing about astrology! The use of the personal horoscopes has made this common knowledge, although it often misrepresents astrology to the common masses. The Sun travels through each Zodiac sign in one of our calendar years. Since Aries starts off the spring, and what most pagans considered the new year, lets take a look at what dates these sign fall on throughout the year, and what it means to you.
Aries- March 20-April 19
Taurus- April 20-May 20
Gemini- May 21- June 20
Cancer- June 21-July 22
Leo- July 23-August 22
Leo- July 23-August 22
Virgo- August 23- September 22
Libra- September 23-October 22
Scorpio- October 23- November 22
Sagittarius- November 23- December 21
Capricorn- December 22- January 20
Aquarius- January 21- February 19
Pisces- February 20- March 19
Your Sun sign is based on what sign your Sun was in when you were born. So how does this affect you?
Your Sun shows where your ego investment lies, how you express yourself creatively, where your self-esteem lies, and your basic identity. Based on which house it is in your chart, this shows which area of your life you shine and thrive. The sun in your chart is shown by this glyph:
Many people will find that they don't completely agree with their sign when they look up its descriptions online, or may find it odd that everyone born during the same time period are going to experience the exact same things, on the same day.
There are a couple reasons I can think of that might help explain why others experience their sign differently:
- Which House their Sun sign is in- A Capricorn with a Sun in their 6th House (House of Daily Work), is going to behave differently than a Capricorn with a Sun in their 3rd House (House of Thinking and Communication) (see THIS POST to learn how to figure out which house your Sun is in).
- What their Rising Sign is- The Rising Sign is the mask that we wear to the world, and how you present yourself to others. For example, I have a Taurus sun with a Rising Sign in Scorpio. (The Rising Sign in your chart is always the ruling sign of your 1st House). So my Taurus Sun is more what drives me, and what people that get past my rising sign see. My Taurus sun brings me a love for comfort, and things, and a need for security. What people see on the outside though, is my Scorpio traits, which include observing, digging for the truth whether in research, or people, and intensity. I have had people assume that I am a Scorpio Sun Sign, just because of my intense eyes!
- Which decanate your Sun falls in within your Zodiac sign- A decanate is divided by each 10 degrees of the sign (a sign being a total of 30 degrees). Each decanate represents each sign of the same element. Lets look a Pisces. A Pisces that is within 0-10 degrees of the sign will behave more true to Pisces, than someone that is with 11-20 degrees Pisces. This second decante of 11-20 degrees brings a Cancer twist to them, since Cancer is the next following sign in the zodiac of the same element. And if the Pisces was born 21-30 degrees of the sign, then this adds a Scorpio twist to them, as it is the final sign of that element within the Zodiac. So firstly, figure out with decanate your Sun falls in- 1, 2, or 3, then for the second and third decanate, count that many signs of the same element counterclockwise from your sun sign. A working example of this is here: I am a Taurus, born at 2 degrees, so I tend to function in typical Taurus fashion. I prefer to be surrounded by my things, and eat lots of sweets! My boyfriend is also a Taurus, but he was born at 25 degrees Taurus. So him being in the 3rd Decanate, I counted to two signs over from Taurus that were also earth elements, and landed in Capricorn. This shows that he is a Taurus with a Capricorn twist. He has a hyperdrive focus on his reputation within his career, and that influences his identity, while my first decanate Taurus doesn't really mind so much about my career, reputation, etc.
- How the Sun is aspected in your chart- When I say aspected, I mean the angles that makes with other planets. There are easy aspects, such as trine (120 degrees) and sextile (60), and hard aspects like Opposite (180 degrees) and Squares (90 degrees). Any conjunction (planets right next to each other) can be easy or hard, depending on the planets involved. We will get more in to aspects later.
- Whether the Sun sign is in a complimentary sign- Each planet has 4 signs which show where they work best, or fail at manifesting. For Sun, the Dignified sign that it can easily express itself in is Leo. This is because they Zodiac sign is very similar to what the Sun tries to accomplish in a chart. The second best sign (also known as the Exalted sign) is Aries. The most difficult sign the Sun could be in is Libra (also known as the Fall; this is because Libra people have a difficulty expressing themselves, because they can see things from everyone's point of view) and the second most difficult sign is Aquarius (Detriment; Aquarius people are searching for the best for humanity, versus the best for themselves).
This is a lot to take in, and I think meditating on these aspects in your chart will allow you to realize why you express yourself in certain areas of your life, and are not able to in others. How your Sun plays off of your thinking, relationships, money, career can really lead to self-empowerment, knowing your strengths and your weaknesses. Just take it one thing as a time, and piece it together, like a puzzle, leading to the whole of you.