Monday, August 25, 2014

Sun in Virgo

The Sun left creative Leo on August 22 at 10:46 pm CST, and entered analytical Virgo. The Sun will be in Virgo until it moves to Libra on September 22 at 8:29 pm CST. So lets talk a little bit at what Virgo means:

Dates: August 22 - September 22
Element: Earth
Quality: Mutable
Natural House: Sixth
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Symbol: The Virgin
Key Phrase: I analyze

Sun in Virgo people are efficient, practical and organized. They are very detail-oriented people, and are natural planners. Being very analytical, they love to make pro and con lists, although sometimes that back fire in to being unable to make any decision, getting caught up in the details, losing sight of the big picture. Getting so focused in the details, sometimes Virgo people can go overboard, desiring perfectionism. This can lead to a martyrdom attitude, that they have to sacrifice their perfectionism for others, however, they need to avoid the tendency to get caught up in every piece being perfectly in place. Being ruled by Mercury, they have some traits which are also similar to Gemini (for they share the same planetary ruler). Mercury brings in a focus on communication, also bringing in obsessive worry and anxiety. The mutable energy allows the native to be adaptable and versatile, but sometimes this can allow them to go with the flow when taking a stand would be better. Virgo being naturally associated with the 6th House, also may cause a workaholic tendency, the 6th House ruling daily routines and service. It is important that Virgo natives be in a job at which they feel they are performing a real service, to better those around them. They have a strong work ethic, and are incredibly meticulous. They never do anything half-assed, and always finish what they start. They tend to appear very conservative, and proper, but that is only at face value. Around unfamiliar situations, they are ever cautious, shy, and lacking self-confidence in their abilities. 

Even if you are not a Virgo sun sign within your own natal chart, you are still being affected somewhere within your chart. For example, I have Virgo on my Midheaven, or 10th House cusp. I have no planets here, but the aspects of the 10th House (Career and most public self) are being pulled in to play here, and really emphasized within my own life. For those that know me, they know that I am now offering astrology readings at my local metaphysical shoppe. While my boss had mentioned weeks ago that I was to start doing readings, I didn't actually start doing them, until August 22. You will see above that this is when the Sun went in to Virgo. This energy finally manifested within my life, allowing me to get moving and get started. Being naturally a Fixed Earth (Taurus), it can be hard at times for me to start projects, but get me one that is already started, and I will finish it. So, taking a look at your chart, check where Virgo is. It is now being activated by the Sun. Any planets in Virgo will eventually throughout the month become activated, being conjunct with the Sun. 

Through my Living Temple of Witchcraft Volume 2 book by Christopher Penczak, I am looking forward to the exercises this month. In figuring out how I serve others, meditating and journeying to the Underworld, and also looking at my own personal habits of over-criticism, and personal standards of impossible perfectionism, I think this is the perfect sign for delving in to the Shadow, especially as the Wheel of the Year is entering the darker part of the year.

Where is Virgo in your chart (Need your chart? Go HERE)? Do you have any planets that are being positively or negatively aspected by the Sun in Virgo? Are you feeling the tendencies of Virgo to analyze, organize and perfect? How are you dealing with these energies in your life?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Having to look in the Shadows

We are winding up the end of the Sun in Leo, and I am looking forward to Sun in Virgo. I think it was bring a lot of time of making lists, and ridding what no longer serves, health decisions and changes in daily habits.
I have been focusing on the Sun, but today, I want to turn it in a complete 180, your Shadow. Not your physical one, but your shadow self. We are headed towards the darker part of the year, and it is a great time for introspection. Your shadow self is all that remains unfinished, your preconceived notions which make it frustrating when others don't live up to your standards, that addiction you deal with (or don't) and bad habits. It can manifest in your low self-esteem (think of those thoughts in which you talk badly about yourself, to yourself, because of something that happens, or a mistake you made), anger or trust issues. Everyone has one, and if you don't think you do, there is probably some shadow work to be done on that thought alone.

It is important that before you begin shadow work, that you are in a place emotionally that you can handle it. It can be downright cruel at times, picking yourself apart, seeing every flaw that you have. If at anytime while attempting shadow work, you become depressed, or suicidal, please seek help. Set aside, until you are better able to handle the stress that it can create. Also, shadow work will help you learn to be nice to yourself. You have to be able to (and if you can't now, hopefully through shadow work you can learn to) be nice to yourself, accept that you are human and make mistakes. Through shadow work, the point is not to vanquish it and become perfect, it is to become aligned with it, and to retrain your thinking regarding yourself, others and to develop a healthier self-image.

So when I was first looking in to shadow work, it seemed so daunting of how to even begin. You can ask anyone who does shadow work, and they will all give you a different way of achieving this. The key is to finding a way that will allow you to be completely honest with yourself, and talk yourself through what you react the way you do to certain triggers. One way that I have noticed helps me, is to journal whenever I have a moment when I think someone is completely stupid, annoying, etc., or anytime an intense emotional reaction occurs. I write out what happened. Then I look at why. For example:

Person X said "such and such", and it made me so ____________ (insert emotion here).

Now, ask yourself why it made you feel that emotional response. It might seem something like this: Their comment made me angry, because they made me feel inadequate/rejected/threatened/etc.

Now, say what they said made you feel rejected, now you need to figure out why you have such an issue with rejection. Were you rejected often by parents, or in trying to achieve your goals, by friends or partners? Once you have it figured out, it is up to you to let go of that influence. If you were rejected in trying to achieve goals, maybe you should set new goals (starting easily, don't set yourself up for failure), and work on accomplishing those. If you felt rejected by people, you might want to try affirmations while meditating, like:
"I am not others opinions of me
I am not my failures
I am human, capable of success and failure
And I am not defined by either"
(That of course is s rough draft. The idea with affirmations is that you are rewiring the way that you think).

Some people will use Tarot for Shadow Work (See this book HERE for a great guide on spreads to use, etc). Some use magick. Some use black mirrors. I will try to add on to these things as I try other methods. Currently I just use a lot of writing and self-talk. I also look at certain aspects of my natal chart, such as oppositions, squares, planets that are not in optimal placement, 12th house, 8th House and Pluto and Saturn. Try to see what you can find in your chart.

But take a look, and figure out how the Shadow can help you, instead of hinder you. Take back your power.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Different Sun Signs

Our Sun Sign in our chart and the House that the Sun resides in all play a role in what makes us who we are. It is a major personality indicator (although, see THIS POST for clarification on why you might not fit your Sun Sign to a T). As stated in the linked to post, the Sun is where our ego is invested, and a major player in your identity (along with the Rising Sign). So lets do a quick run through to see what your Sun Sign means about you. (The above link will also have a chart for finding which sign is yours, based on your month and day of birth).

Aries- Cardinal Fire sign. They are highly motivated, known for starting projects, and not always finishing them. This lack of follow-through is considered to be the greatest weakness. They take the initiative and are natural leaders. Their phrase is "I Am" represents their very self-centered way of thinking. It is not self-centered in a selfish way, they think about how everything they do can benefit them. Symbolized by the Ram, they push forward, aggressively, perhaps without the forethought that was necessary to accomplish their goals. Go-getters, fearless, courageous. Often take impulsive risks, which might get them in to trouble. Quick thinkers, filled with enthusiasm and self-confidence. The Sun is exalted in this sign, meaning that the properties of the sun are easily manifested in this sign, although not as well as Leo.

Taurus- Fixed Earth sign. I am a Taurus sun and my friends all know a few key facts: 1.) Don't mess with my stuff. It is mine. 2.) Don't get in the way of my sweet tooth. 3.) You will not convince me otherwise, I am stubborn as hell. Symbolized by the Bull, Taurus is the sign which can carry on with Aries started projects. They are slow, dependable, and get things done on their own time, sometimes to a fault. Their phrase is "I Have" and they are about resources, and comfort. They tend to be thrifty shoppers, to get more for their money. Most have daily routines. They love sweet things, and enjoy the finer things of life, such as art, music, etc. I love to be surrounded by my things, so much so that it is hard for me to stay in places that are not filled with my items. Laziness can also be associated with this sign.

Gemini- Mutable Air sign. Symbolized by the Twins, many feel that this sign is two-faced, however, that's not really the truth of this sign. Gemini people are lively communicators, often using their hands to speak along with them. Being a mutable sign, they need to multi-task several projects to stay focused, for their shor attention spans is a great weakness. The Gemini phrase is "I Think" and they are always researching something, being very curious individuals. Many people can sense their scattered, anxious energy. They are also known for being flirts.

Cancer- Cardinal Water sign. "I Feel" really shows the emotional basis of this sign. Symbolized by the Crab, they are very sensitive, with a hard outer shell. When they feel threatened, they retreat in to a corner. They are also very nurturing, mother type figures. They can, however, become too smothering in their need to take care of others. They are intuitive and receptive, and try to avoid any type of conflict. They love to be in the home, and have a need for security, both physically and emotionally. They also tend to be great cooks!

Leo- (see This Post)

Virgo- Mutable Earth sign. "I analyze" is their motto, and it is true of every Virgo I have met. They analyze everything, making the pro's and con's list before committing to any decision, which can lead to the inability to make a decision at all. Symbolized by "The Virgin". The beauty is in the details to the Virgo sun native. They are hard workers, although can lose sight of the bigger picture, getting absorbed in the individual pieces that go in to each project. They tend to keep themselves, cautious of others and those around them. Most are shy, lacking confidence in their abilities.

Libra- Cardinal Air sign. Represented by the Scales, their motto is "I balance". I call them the great mediators, although this sign is actually one in which the Sun is in fall, meaning that ego and identity are not tied to yourself, as in the case of Leo and Aries, but others. The Sun has a hard time manifesting itself in this position, because the Libra native can see both sides of the picture, to the point that they never develop their own opinion. They are dedicated to keeping the peace around them, and are tactful and cooperative. Partnership is of major importance to them, although they can be considered lazy, like the Taurus, they are also attracted to things which are beautiful, be it art, music, etc.

Scorpio- Fixed Water sign. Often the most misunderstood sign of the Zodiac, others view them as manipulative, secretive and very sexy. There is a magnetism with a Scorpio that few can resist, often ensnaring others with their piercing eyes. Extremely determined, they rarely fail in any quest they undertake, but this can lead to obsession if not checked. It is best to know when to cut your losses and move on. Very strong sixth sense, and like Cancer, they have a soft core with a hard exterior. You often have to dig to get all the information out of a Scorpio, and they will still never tell you the whole story. Symbolized by mainly the Scorpion, watch out, because they can be quite venemous when crossed. Many people with a deep affinity for the occult have strong Scorpio tendencies, as Scorpios are the great researchers, constantly trying to get to the bottom of things, and to have a full understanding of how everything works, including the people around them. You will often find themselves getting information out of others, instead of talking about themselves, but the people they are engaged with won't even realize it. Everything done is to gain information.

Sagittarius- Mutable Fire sign. No sign is as free and independent as a Sagittarius. Symbolized by the Archer, and sometimes just the arrow, they fly free and high, but when they come down, they can crash hard. They are not ones to be tied down, and at the first warning sign of such, they can bolt. Optimistic, they tend to be upbeat and see the bright side of things. They value truth and knowledge above all else, and are constantly seeking, especially regarding philosophy, religion and higher education, and have a knack for integrating that knowledge in to their daily lives. Noted for being blunt and to the point, they have a hard time seeing why others would take offense at their blatant honesty. Naturally a lucky sign, being ruled by Jupiter, so Sagittarius generally comes out on top.

Capricorn-Cardinal Earth sign. Often associated with CEO's of companies, they are the determination and stubborness of the earth signs, back with the cardinal ability to pave the path for others. I have had many friends tell me that they don't relate to their sign, because everything they have read is that they are cold, distant, business oriented. I hope to break down this stereotype a little bit. It is not that Capricorns are unemotional, they just know how to keep their emotions separate from the work place. They are ambitious, and strive for achievement. While reserved, they are still competitive. They strive in following the rules. Often late-bloomers, when they do finally bloom, they really make a spot for themselves in the world.

Aquarius- Fixed Air sign. I like to call Aquarius the "aloof humanitarian", because they are great with social causes that affect the whole of humanity, but can often be cold and distant within their own personal relationships. Many are very independent and love to express themselves. In fact, many tattoo artist and body modificationists charts I have read all had a very strong Aquarius influence, whether it be their Sun, Moon or Rising Sign. With an intellectual note from the Air quality, they are often unpredictable. They have many acquaintances, few friends. They are future-oriented in their thinking. Aquarius, like Scorpio, is another sign in which you will find that they know more about you, than you do them. Friendly, yet distant. The fixed sign brings the stubbornness to this sign, particularly about decisions they have made. The Sun in Aquarius is in detriment, so like Libra, the Sun has a hard time expressing itself in this sign, because of their focus on others.

Pisces- Mutable Water sign. Pisces tend to operate on a whole different plane than the rest of the signs. Being water, they are highly sensitive and intuitive, and highly creative, typically through ways other than writing. Many have extremely vivid dreams. This sign has a hard time facing reality, and can fall in to the habit of hiding until it goes away. Many like to only look on the bright side of thing. For this reason, many exhibit escapist behavior, such as TV, video games, or even with extremely detrimental things like drug and alcohol abuse. Like other water signs, Pisces is trusting and nurturing, and physically retreat when faced with controversy.