It is coming up on that time of year...again...where we are about to enter Mercury Retrograde. This phrase has gotten a pretty bad rap in the modern astrology community, often being the catch-all for any bad luck. I'm sure you have thought of it yourself, that any time anything goes wrong, "Is Mercury in retrograde?"
So what is Mercury retrograde? Every so often, usually about three to four times a year, our view of Mercury from Earth, looks as though it is spinning backwards. The first and last day of this movement, are viewed as Stationary, either Retrograde or Direct, whether it is going in to retrograde, or changing back to forward motion (Direct). If you were born during a retrograde period of any planet, the planet in your chart is typically accompanied by a Rx. If it was stationary (either retrograde or direct) there will be an S. This can affect how a planets influence manifests itself in your life. People who are born in Mercury retrograde, will often be more introspective, versus being outspoken. They tend to be more shy in their younger years, until one day, they begin to express themselves more easily, usually when an adult. With Mercury ruling thinking and communication, the retrograde motion focuses this aspect more internally than externally. If you were born while the planet was Stationary, then it is believed that the aspects of that planet or more prominent than a normal moving planet. So someone born in Mercury Stationary would be more focused on their thinking and communication, and it would be a more important part of that persons life.
Now of course, those affected by Mercury in retrograde will vary. Those who have a strong Mercury influence in their chart (Sun, Moon, Ascendant) in Gemini or Virgo, tend to be more affected than those who are not. Also, it depends on where Mercury is transiting your chart, any planets it is affecting within your natal chart, and sometimes, just how aware you are of this influence.
So what exactly is affected within a Mercury retrograde? Communications are a large factor, with things not coming out right, spelling errors, miscommunication, etc. Also, transportation, as Mercury rules short-distance travel. Electronics might seem particularly fickle at this time as well. It is advised that you do not make any super important decisions, sign any legal documents, take trips, or get married under this influence. Often, things that weren't done right the first time Mercury passed through those signs, will be revisited as it travels retrograde. This is a great time to do things that never got finished, although its also a time you are more prone to making mistakes.
This upcoming retrograde cycle, begins on October 4, 2014. The retrograde period of this cycle will be from 2° Scorpio-16° Libra (October 25). To really understand how to look at a Mercury Retrograde cycle, its important to know some terms. It is not just important to look and be mindful the day that Mercury turns retrograde, but actually as it is first travelling through the signs that it will be retrograde in (September 14-October 4). A retrograde period actually causes a planet to travel through an area of the zodiac 3 times, first direct, then it moves backwards at retrograde, and then forward again, through the initial direct period. It is said that the first movement through the zodiac sign, gives it an initial perspective, the retrograde causes you to approach the same situations from a different perspective, than the period after the retrograde movement, is the integration of both of the prior movements through the sign.
So lets grab your charts, and take a look!
First, you need to figure out which houses are affected by the signs in the Retrograde, in this case, Libra and Scorpio. To find your house rulers, check out THIS POST. My 11th House is ruled by Libra, and my 12th House, although my 12th House is also kind of in Scorpio. So Mercury right now will be doing a little dance through my 11th house, and a little in to my 12th House. Not only will those houses be affected, but any house that is ruled by Gemini and Virgo (8th and 10th for me).
Firstly, Mercury retrograde will mostly be in Libra, so at this time, any communications regarding partnership need to be heavily analyzed. Scrutinize every contract signed. You might feel as though things are not fair with how people treat you, and you might find yourself in more fights with your significant other. Indecisiveness may rear its head, so try not to analyze everything to death. The couple of days it is in Scorpio, be mindful of not telling anyone anything you don't mind becoming public knowledge, and watch for your tendencies to manipulate others, or to obsessively brood about situations. Be careful regarding any sexual decisions, or shared financial decisions.
With the retrograde mostly being in my 11th House, I will be paying close attention to any communications with friends, and making sure to not jump to any hasty decisions, and to try to be more understanding regarding anything they say. It may come out here who real friends are, and to help me reorganize my support structure. Here is a great link explaining mercury retrograde throughout your individual chart, and what kinds of things to be on the lookout for.
Having Gemini and Virgo on my 10th and 8th House cusps, I am going to pay SUPER attention to my shared finances, especially with the Scorpio influence in this period, and to make sure that I am expressing myself clearly within my career aspect of my life.
What are you going to do about this time period? How are you expecting it to impact the next couple of weeks?